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Raychael Stine, cosmos cosmos 2 (one jammer dreams of everywhere ecstatically), 2023
Paul Winker, Shed, 2023
Robert Sagerman, 17,154, 2024
Kristen Cliburn, Cloud Chord I, 2022
Charlotte Smith, Heat Of The Day, 2020
Robert Lansden, Wheel of Time 4, 2020
Timothy Harding, Adjustment III, 2020
Trey Egan, Often Drift, 2020
Adrian Esparza, Sequence, 2021
Shannon Cannings, Distortion 28, 2024
Shannon Cannings, Distortion 22, 2024
Shannon Cannings, Distortion 16, 2024
Shannon Cannings, Distortion 27, 2024
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